
This is E.F.A.! Learn Korean Karate while instilling character. Our Taekwondo program is unlike any other.  From street combat to the ring. We can take you to the Olympics!  E.F.A.Kickboxing is also unparalleled. Learn how to kick, punch, and move like a pro while working your muscles head to toe. From traditional self-defense to what’s trending, our MMA program has Kicking, kness, punching, elbows, take downs, grappling, submissions, and so much more!! Learn how to defend yourself using multiple styles of self-defense.  If you want to be a pro and get into the U.F.C. or just learn the arts, then this program is for you!20121116_182555

NO CONTRACTS! That’s correct, every program at Eastern Fighting Arts holds no contracts! We stand by our beliefs, that once you train with us, you will want to stay. Come and experience a difference in your life that will have you wanting more. Plus we are not afraid of other schools, clubs, or gyms. We are confident that any competition in training, self-defense, or tournament preparation can not compare to E.F.A.  Also, some places will still charge you monthly even if you get injured in their own facility.  And what if you fall into some hardships and can’t afford to keep training? Here at E.F.A. we are family. We actually care for everyone and treat everyone equal. Come on down and try a class for free!